Monday, November 28th, 2005
09h00-10h00 Protein Structures. Margarida Archer. ITQB-UNL
10h15-11h15 Carbohydrate Structures. Phil A Jackson. ITQB-UNL
11h30-12h30 Lipids and Membrane Structures. Manuel Prieto. IST-UTL
14h30-16h00 Algorithms. Eric Tannier
16h00-18h00 Study and Practice
Tuesday, November 29th, 2005
09h00-10h00 Nucleic Acid Structures. Alvaro Tavares. IGC/IST-UTL
10h00-12h00 Algorithms. Eric Tannier
12h00-13h00 IGC Tuesday Seminar
14h30-17h30 Determination of Biomolecular Structures .1. X-Ray Crystallography. Isabel Bento. ITQB-UNL
Wednesday, November 30th, 2005
9h00-12h00 Determination of Biomolecular Structures .2. NMR. Pedro Lamosa. ITQB-UNL
14h30-16h00 Algorithms. Eric Tannier
16h00-18h00 Study and Practice
Thursday, December 1st, 2005
11h00-13h00 Algorithms. Eric Tannier
14h30-16h00 Algorithms. Eric Tannier
16h00-18h00 Study and Practice
Friday, December 2nd, 2005
9h30-10h00 Overview of Structure Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Simulation. Claudio Soares. ITQB-UNL
10h10-12h00 Visualisation of Structural Information. Antonio M. Baptista, Diana Lousa, Sara Campos. ITQB-UNL
12h00-13h00 IGC Friday Seminar
14h30-16h30 The role of statistical mechanics in Biomolecular Modeling. Antonio M. Baptista. ITQB-UNL
16h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Monday, December 5th, 2005
10h00-12h00 Principles of Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics. Claudio Soares. ITQB-UNL
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Tuesday, December 6th, 2005
9h00-12h00 Study and Practice
12h00-13h00 IGC Tuesday Seminar
14h30-18h30 Practical on Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics. Claudio Soares, Nuno Micaelo, A. Sofia F. Oliveira. ITQB-UNL
Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
9h00-13h00 Study and Practice
14h30-16h30 Principles of Continuum Electrostatics. Antonio M. Baptista. ITQB-UNL
Thursday, December 8th, 2005
9h00-13h00 Study and Practice
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Friday, December 9th, 2005
9h00-12h00 Study and Practice
12h00-13h00 IGC Friday Seminar
14h30-18h30 Practical on Continuum Electrostatics. Antonio M. Baptista, Vitor H. Teixeira, Miguel Machuqueiro. ITQB-UNL
Monday, December 12th, 2005
09h00-09h50 Principles of Molecular Docking. Claudio Soares. ITQB-UNL
10h00-13h00 Principles of Molecular Docking .1. Claudio Soares, Bruno Victor, Carlos A. Cunha. ITQB-UNL
14h30-16h00 Principles of Molecular Docking .2. Claudio Soares, Bruno Victor, Carlos A. Cunha. ITQB-UNL
16h00-18h00 Study and Practice
Tuesday, December 13th, 2005
9h00-12h00 Methodologies in Drug Design .1. Roderick E. Hubbard. University of York and Vernalis Ltd, UK
12h00-13h00 IGC Tuesday Seminar
14h30-16h30 Methodologies in Drug Design .1. Roderick E. Hubbard. University of York and Vernalis Ltd, UK
16h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Wednesday, December 14th, 2005
10h00-12h00 Methods for Protein Structure Prediction. Claudio Soares. ITQB-UNL
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Thursday, December 15th, 2005
9h00-13h00 Practical on Protein Structure Prediction. Claudio Soares, Bruno Victor, A. Sofia F. Oliveira. ITQB-UNL
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Friday, December 16th, 2005
9h30-12h00 Wrapping up structural bioinformatics and molecular simulation. Claudio Soares. ITQB-UNL
12h00-13h00 IGC Friday Seminar
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Supervised by Marie-France Sagot
Monday, January 2nd, 2006
09h00-11h00 Assignment 1
11h00-11h30 Break
11h30-13h00 Discussion on assignment 1
14h00-16h00 Assignment 2
16h00-16h30 Break
16h30-17h30 Discussion on assignment 2
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006
09h00-11h00 Assignment 3
11h00-11h15 Break
11h15-12h00 Discussion on assignment 3
12h00-13h00 IGC Tuesday Seminar
14h30-16h15 Assignment 4
16h15-16h30 Break
16h30-17h30 Discussion on assignment 4
Wednesday, January 4th, 2006
09h00-11h00 Survey 1 / Assignment 5
11h00-11h30 Break
11h30-13h00 Discussion
14h00-16h00 Survey 2 / Assignment 6
16h00-16h30 Break
16h30-17h30 Discussion
Thursday, January 5th, 2006
09h00-11h00 Some open problems 1
11h00-11h30 Break
11h30-13h00 Discussion
14h00-16h00 Some open problems 2
16h00-16h30 Break
16h30-17h30 Discussion
Friday, January 6th, 2006
09h00-12h00 Assignment 7 (whose results are to be sent later by email to the supervisor)
12h00-13h00 IGC Friday Seminar
14h30-18h00 Assignment 7 (cont)
Monday, January 9th, 2006
11h00-13h00 Introduction to Bayesian inference and statistics. Antonia Turkman (FCUL) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (IST)
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Tuesday, January 10th, 2006
9h00-10h50 RNA Structure. Eric Westhof (IBMC/CNRS Strasbourg)
11h00-12h00 Introduction to Bayesian inference and statistics. Antonia Turkman (FCUL) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (IST)
12h00-13h00 IGC Tuesday Seminar
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Wednesday, January 11th, 2006
9h00-10h50 RNA Structure. Eric Westhof (IBMC/CNRS Strasbourg)
11h00-13h00 Introduction to Bayesian inference and statistics. Antonia Turkman (FCUL) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (IST)
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Thursday, January 12th, 2006
9h00-10h50 RNA Structure. Eric Westhof(IBMC/CNRS Strasbourg)
11h00-13h00 Introduction to Bayesian inference and statistics. Antonia Turkman (FCUL) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (IST)
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice
Friday, January 13th, 2006
11h00-12h00 Introduction to Bayesian inference and statistics. Antonia Turkman (FCUL) and Carlos Daniel Paulino (IST)
12h00-13h00 IGC Friday Seminar
14h30-18h00 Study and Practice